Saturday, March 10, 2007

Surely you're joking, Mr. Fletcher

With the world cup around the corner, the media is abuzz with some ridiculous statements.

Among the more ridiculous ones I have come across was from Duncan Fletcher, the English Coach. According to him England's biggest enemy at the World Cup could be their own self-confidence, and that they would have to guard against complacency.
Self Confidence... Complacency... These POMS never seem to learn. They have lost all but 4 matches in the last 6 months, and they already talking about being over confident.

Fletcher also called Monty "a second spinner" who will have to displace a seamer if he is to play.
Second Spinner!!! Guess who is England's No.1 spinner according to him?....
Dalrymple! With an amazing bowling average of 42 and a best of two wickets in an innings.
Thank God Giles is not in the squad. Poor Monty would have been relegated to the 3rd spot.

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